Takoradi, September 21, 2017 – MTN partnered with ISPACE Foundation to hold a training program dubbed “Capacity Building on Youth in Dixcove” at the church of Pentecost building organized by ICODE in Dixcove in the Western Region of Ghana. 


Dixcove is a fishing community in the Ahanta West District of Western Region of Ghana and the need for this program was to educate and empower the youth in the community to take up the challenge to make an impact in the society and turn their passion into meaningful change making activities.
ICODE’s plan to build a good technology and innovative ecosystem for the youth in Western Region brought them on a road trip research to Dixcove where we found out in the end that the Dixcove which is a known to be a fishing community close to Ghana’s Oil Rig lack avenues for the youth to engage themselves in change making activities and make an impact in the society.

The youth in Dixcove do not take up the challenge to make any impact from the knowledge and education they go through after they have completed schooling and come back home due to no avenues to train and educate them on what they can be able to do with the talent and ideas they have and also how to go about working on their plans for the future.
 It is by this problem ICODE on the 21st of September 2017 which marked the start of Ghana’s founder’s day planned to organize one full day intensive coaching and training program with MTN Ghana and ISPACE Foundation  to empower the youth in Dixcove by training them on how they can apply computer training to solve problems, how they can make an impact with the knowledge and education they have acquired from school and how they can also turn their passion and ideas to form a business and also make a change in their community

ICODE believes in synergy to make work very effective and it is by this they involved speakers from other organizations such as HopeinMotion Foundation, EmpoweredGH, Aqua Life Solutions,, Emphase and many others to help train the youth and empower them.

During the breakout session, 600 participants were refreshed by MTN Ghana and ISPACE Foundation and they were divided into groups where they speakers had group session coaching with them on how to bring out best innovative solutions to solve the problems they themselves are facing in their community. After the session the leaders in the groups came up with lots of innovative ideas and they were meant to challenge each other to win prizes such as a T-shirt with branded MTN Ghana, ISPACE Foundation and ICODE logos on it. 

Three best, feasible and innovative ideas were selected and they are an E-Community Library for the youth to engage themselves more in reading and gaining knowledge instead of going to the sea shore to fish after school, a computer training center for the community to train the skills in computing and the third idea that was selected was a rubbish recycling company to help clean their dirty sea shore and turn the rubbish to useful product such as biogas and manure.


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